Blocking fat absorption to lose weight

Controlling weight gain could be achieved by suppressing appetite or burning fat or a combination of both. The Cellan Diet Pills are designed to prevent fat absorption by your blood stream and as a result lose weight. Main ingredients of Cellan Diet Pills include African Mango seeds, green tea extract that contain EGCG, and certain …

How to avoid bloated feeling in your stomach

Bloating occur when your stomach experience abnormal swelling or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. This swelling creates a feeling of fullness and could cause pain and stomach growl. There are several reasons that could cause this situation. Among them diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, and constipation are considered important by many …

All About Potassium, Protein and Calories

Article by Our bodies need calories so they can provide energy inside the body and make all our parts function they way they are supposed to.  The amount of calories that is in a particular food will depend on how much energy that certain food gives you.  When it comes to figuring out how …

Put Coleanse Diet to the test for bloating

Bloating and constipation are caused by poor diet, eating excessive amounts of dairy products, lactose intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome. Food containing fats and dairy take more time to breakdown and could also lead to bloating. When faced with bloating, it is also common to experience the buildup of gas in the stomach making you …

How to deal with bloating

The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, explain bloating as “any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area.” It gives an uncomfortable feeling of full and sometimes stomach growling and pain. This condition is caused by many reasons including diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, constipation and many others according to Wikipedia. Insufficient …

Onlay Restorations Explained

Article by An onlay restoration is a custom-made filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain. An onlay is sometimes also referred to as a partial crown. It is made by a professional dental laboratory and is permanently cemented onto the tooth by your dentist. Onlays can be utilized to conservatively repair teeth …

Drop painful hemorrhoids with Coleanse Diet

According to the Mayo Clinic, the swollen veins around the anus under pressure causes hemorrhoids and the pressure could come from many sources including straining during bowl movement, sitting long periods, chronic diarrhea or constipation, obesity, and pregnancy. As you get older hemorrhoids becomes more common due to weak tissue around the rectum and anus. …

Cleanse your colon to get rid of bad breath

Guest post is provided by Coleanse. Cape aloe and Bentonite clay together remove putrefied plaque from the colon and Coleanse Diet rich in these ingredients can remove bad breath. Do you know bad breath is caused by many reasons including, but not limited to, stomach conditions, gum disease, poor dental hygiene practices and bacteria in …